The Ni-kshay Setu app is part of the Closing the Gaps in TB care Cascade project, developed by the Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar. This project aims to strengthen health systems' ability to comprehensively monitor and respond to the TB care cascade with quality improvement (QI) interventions. This digital solution is one of the key interventions of the project with the objectives to strengthen the knowledge support system of the health staff in TB patient-centric care and program management of the National TB Elimination Program.
The publication of this application is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the CGC Project Team and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Ni-kshay Setu app is a ready reckoner and decision-making support tool to enhance the capacity of NTEP staff by encouraging real-time patient-centric care for TB patients.
The features of the Ni-kshay Setu App are as follows: to assess presumptive TB patients as per the personal details and symptoms of patient.
No, the app doesn’t store any patient data
One can access the Ni-kshay Setu application from Google Play Store, App Store, and Web page. The links of it are given below:
Individual has to register to get access to the content of the Ni-kshay Setu App. The following steps are to be followed to create the account in the Ni-kshay Setu App:
The Ni-kshay Setu app currently supports English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi. There is a provision to access the content in other languages.
The user can change the language option by following the below-mentioned steps:
For android and iOS Users,
For Web Page
The user can change the profile details by following the below-mentioned steps:
For Android/iOS Users:
For Web Page:
The user can change the profile details by following the below-mentioned steps:
For Android/iOS Users:
For Web Page:
The Ask Setu Chatbot is designed to predict the responses by understanding the sentiments of the user inputs. Users can search their queries through the keywords, and the chatbot will respond with the top five related questions. A further question can be viewed by clicking on the “load more” at the end of the top five questions. To give further insight on the topic – “module suggestions” and “Resource materials” is added at the end of the question.
The user can get direct access to the NTEP content by typing the query keyword in “Ask SETU” and pressing the enter button. The chatbot will navigate the user directly intended module of the content. Users can also access the related resource materials for their query.
In case user don’t get the answer to their query pertaining to NTEP program from Ask SETU , they can click on the “Contact us” option at the bottom of the Ask SETU chat. Select “Technical (if the query is pertaining to technical content)”, “non-technical (if the query is related to website or application issues” or “other” option in “select item” option. Type your detailed query in “message” and press the “submit” button. Our team will respond to you within 1 week.